50 Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up

Life is not that easy. Sometimes, the result you expect is different from the actual outcome. Whatever the situation might be, it's always better to take chances. Remember, you will not know until you try, so don't think twice and take the risk. The end result will depend on how well you do the task. May these quotes about taking chances in life give you insights and make you trust more in your abilities.

Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up
1. “In the end, we only regret the chances we didn’t take.” – Lewis Carroll

2. “Probably some of the best things that have ever happened to you in life, happened because you said yes to something. Otherwise things just sort of stay the same.” – Danny Wallace

3. “If you aren't making some mistakes, you aren't taking enough chances.” – John Sculley

4. “I say if you're going to take a chance on something, you just go full balls to the wall.” – Toby Keith

5. “To live, to truly live, we must be willing to risk. To be nothing in order to find everything. To leap before we look.” – Mandy Hale

6. “If you’re not scared then you’re not taking a chance. If you’re not taking a chance then what the hell are you doing anyway?” – Ted Mosby

7. “I wondered about the explorers who'd sailed their ships to the end of the world. How terrified they must have been when they risked falling over the edge; how amazed to discover, instead, places they had seen only in their dreams.” – Jodi Picoult

8. “Trying and getting hurt can't possibly be worse for you than being stuck.” – Eliezer Yudkowsky

9. “Be passionate about your life. Learn to live without the fear of failing. Take a chance, you just might surprise yourself.” – Nishan Panwar
Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up
10. “Your chances of success in any undertaking can always be measured by your belief in yourself.” – Robert Collier

11. “If you know you can do it and if you can already chart every day in your future, then why bother? Choose to do something you have more trouble imagining. Take a chance.” – Gina Barreca

12. “It's not that I don't value my life. It's just that I love taking chances, testing myself, stepping over the line.” – Wendy O. Williams

13. “To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily. Not to dare is to lose oneself.” – Soren Kierkegaard

14. “The thing is most people are afraid to step out, to take a chance beyond their established identity.” – Demi Moore
Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up
15. “You've got to take your chances in life, don't ignore the opportunities when the crop up as you don't get that many, every little helps, the small victories are important because that's your lot.” – John King

16. “You learn so much from taking chances, whether they work out or not. Either way, you can grow from the experience and become stronger and smarter.” – John Legend

17. “Climbing is all about freedom, the freedom to go beyond all the rules and take a chance, to experience something new.” – Reinhold Messner

18. “Go out there and try to be good. If you go out there and try to be good, you've got a chance to be great.” – Preet Bharara

19. “The important thing is not being afraid to take a chance. Remember, the greatest failure is to not try. Once you find something you love to do, be the best at doing it.” – Debbi Fields
Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up
20. “There are people who are able to plan their career, their future, but I've never had any talent for that. I just do things and hope for the best. Say yes, take a chance, and sometimes it's terrific and sometimes it's not.” – Christopher Walken

21. “Everything you want lies on the other side of learning to trust yourself. Take a chance. Have faith. You already know who you are, what you want, and where you want to go.” – Vironika Tugaleva

22. “Do you want to be safe and good, or do you want to take a chance and be great?” – Jimmy Johnson

23. “The only way to break out is to gamble, take a chance with that first pick if you want to improve drastically.” – Jerry Jones

24. “If you stop being afraid of the word no and take more chances, you will get more yes.” – Jeanette Coron
Take a chance quotes that'll inspire you never to give up
25. “If you want to achieve a high goal, you're going to have to take some chances.” – Alberto Salazar

26. “One of the things I've learned that has made me very successful, I think, sometimes you just have to take a chance.” – Heidi Hammel

27. “If I had not try and taken chances, I would have miss many great opportunities in life.” – Lailah Gifty Akita

28. “Take a chance. You never know how perfect something might turn out to be.” – Anonymous

29. “Playing it safe isn't fun; you have to take a chance.” – Rick Nielsen

30. “Nothing's ever simple. I just don't want you to ignore possibilities out of fear. Sometimes you have to take a leap of faith, believing that somebody's going to catch you.” – Nadia Lee

More Quotes on Chances and Opportunities

31. “Never regret taking a chance, even if you fall on your face. It's better to know you tried and failed than to wonder the great what if?” – Devin Frye

32. “Don't listen to anybody. Nobody knows the magic bullet. If they did, they'd sell it and make a fortune. Follow your gut. Follow your instincts. Every once in a while, take a chance.” – Michael Cudlitz

33. “You know how exit signs are bright and red and at times we’re blind to what’s behind? The doors are just subliminal metaphors that lead us through life. We never know, but we take a chance and open it.” – Dominic Riccitello

34. “Your regrets aren't what you did, but what you didn't do. So I take every opportunity.” – Cameron Diaz

35. “Sometimes a mistake can end up being the best decision you ever make.” – Mandy Hale

36. “You never know what life is going to throw at you so don't be afraid to take a chance because it might just be the best thing to happen to you.” – Abhishek Tiwari

37. “I've found that luck is quite predictable. If you want more luck, take more chances.” – Brian Tracy

38. “Anytime we step out boldly to make changes, we take a chance that we might fail. But the only way to get better is to try.” – Joyce Meyer

39. “Nothing important was ever achieved without someone taking a chance.” – H. Jackson Brown Jr.

40. “Take chances, make mistakes. That’s how you grow. Pain nourishes your courage. You have to fail in order to practice being brave.” – Mary Tyler Moore

41. “Take a chance. All life is a chance. The man who goes farthest is generally the one who is willing to do and dare.” – Dale Carnegie

42. “Our lives improve only when we take chances.” – Walter Anderson

43. “The only chance that we have of achieving our dreams is to take a risk, and most people who are consumed with negative self-talk do not find the risk to be worth it.” – Jennifer Smith

44. “Be passionate about your life. Learn to live without the fear of failing. Take a chance, you just might surprise yourself.” – Nishan Panwar

45. “If you are afraid to take a chance, take one anyway. What you don’t do can create the same regrets as the mistakes you make.” – Iyanla Vanzant

46. “I’ve got to take chances and get out there. What are you going to do, sit home and knit? I don’t knit.” – Cybill Shepherd

47. “I believe in taking chances and living your life. Sometimes doors open and others close and you have to figure out which one you’re going to take.” – Gisele Bundchen

48. “Every day, you’ll have opportunities to take chances and to work outside your safety net.” – Donald Trump

49. “Take a chance as it is a once in a lifetime opportunity. Have a positive mind set and all will go according to plan.” – Ruwaida Fourie

50. “The successful man is the one who had the chance and took it.” – Roger Babson

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